Ark  Surveys

Partners: Rhys Warren-Thomas & Lawrence Weldon

Professional indemnity insurance arranged by Markel International

Ark Surveys offer the following


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Full condition surveys

A full condition report written for pre-purchase reasons will include a summary of the principle findings for consideration prior to purchase. Further recommendations are listed for any immediate repairs that might be necessary, along with graded recommendations thereafter throughout the body of the report. Maintenance and advisory notes are included for guidance when refitting.

During the inspection, should we find any major concerns relating to safety, or indeed the structure of the vessel, we will contact our client as soon as possible and advise on the findings prior to any further proceedings. Otherwise (assuming there are no major findings), we aim to submit the written report within the working week.

Reports written for insurance reasons

A survey conducted for insurance purposes is not necessarily as comprehensive as a full condition inspection, though the report will include a valuation assessment for inclusion with your insurance renewal forms. In addition to any required recommendations needed for immediate attention (for the safety of the crew and vessel), the report will also emphasise the importance of maintenance and will include helpful guidance on routine upkeep for the long term good of your craft. We are here to help you maintain your boat and keep your seafaring interests above water!

Limited scope surveys

A limited scope survey is one where the surveyor is required to focus on just one area of a vessel, so that our client need only pay for the information they need. This is useful for example, following an incident where the vessel has been damaged and the owner needs to know the full extent of repairs required prior to initiating a contract of repair. Furthermore (after restorative works have ended), sometimes issues arise concerning the quality of workmanship and so a surveyor may be called upon to assess the corrective adjustments needed.

Project supervision

For anyone wishing to commission a new build or to fit-out their own vessel starting with an empty hull for example, we can specify and quantify the materials needed and offer routine advice throughout a project. 


Design and specification

Where a vessel needs structural repair or modification owing to poor design, we can, in most cases, identify the problem and provide a specification report for upgrade. We can also, recommend a local specialist repairer for the required work.


A valuation is always submitted with reports written for insurance reasons. Outside the usual remit of periodic surveys however, a valuation might also be called upon for other purposes: for example, after extensive upgrades are carried out on a vessel which may require additional cover. Other reasons are when a boat changes hands for considerably less than the known market value, or for arbitration.